We left on my parents' house a bit later than planned. It's hard to leave my parents, you know? I think it's hard for them, too. Am I coming in for winter break? How long before we get to see each other next time? This and some other things put us behind and by the end of the day, Gosh was a bit thin-lipped...
But that's later. The day was beautiful and riding across route 6 was stunning! Lots of green, rolling Endless Mountains. A real joy to ride! Nothing too technical, just lots of sweeping curves. We saw lots of trucks carrying water and stuff for fracking oil. I don't get it but I know the oil companies that have moved in are pretty happy in the area from Hop Bottom through Mansfield. Part of me thinks Gosh would be perfect working around here but then I remember WINTER and remind myself that as a desert rat I would not be happy if we got stuck.
We finally pull into the KOA in Erie after missing the exit. They were full... this started us on a path of near destruction- finding a room in Erie, PA that allows dogs and is reasonably priced during a holiday weekend. One place would require us to backtrack again and was priced over $300! They should GIVE you a puppy!We finally hit upon a run-down room where the owners recently changed hands (and assured us they were renovating- as if that was any consolation...) on highway 5 for $130, including the pet fee. The air conditioner worked and we walked to the market for a salad kit and potato salad to go along with the leftover ribs (thanks, Joanna and Steve!).
Gosh and I kept trying to stop, but we bickered until we went to sleep. Some days are like that.
Kewpie and I took our morning walk and I completely forgot the camera! Erie must have a love of frogs because there are huge frog statues decorated in from of an elementary school, shopping plaza, and veterinary clinic. The elementary school was a perfect place to let the Kew run amuck! From there, we found a park and watched two raccoons duke it out. I think they were raccoons... they weren't cats...
Lunch was at the Thirsty Pony in Sandusky, OH. Lobster bisque and personal deep dish gets 2 thumbs up!
On July third, we headed out for route 6 again. We followed it along PA and into OH. You could tell we were close to water but we couldn't really see it until Cleveland. Whoa! We stopped in Edgewater and there was a snack stand where we got a chocolate malt and nachos and I stuck my tootsies into the ginormous lake. Really cool! We read how there used to be bathhouses until the '50s because the population was so large and without running water. Interesting to look at those photos of large tent-looking things and know that people were in there to clean up.
From there, we hit the 'burbs. The architecture was stunning! Stone and brick apartment buildings with balconies and and porches for each... then huge homes along the lake. Some were a bit smaller and some were even for sale and I thought of Toby and Mom and how much they would enjoy living with a view of the lake.
Still, from PA to OH, it flattened out considerably. Green! But flat. Gosh pointed out the nuclear power plants along the lake... at least 5. Crazy! And the speed limit... from 35 to 45... we did not make the time we thought. TOTALLY worth it but when we stopped for lunch we decided to head for the freeway.
Lunch along the Allegheny River in Smethport, PA
SheNayNay, Kewpie and Kashi...Our hotel in Erie, PA
Riding along highway 20 in OH along Lake Erie
Enjoying a snack and the view at Edgewater, OH
Dipping our tootsies in Lake Erie
Guarding the boots but enjoying the view
Yep, that's Cleveland in the background
Thirsty Pony in Sandusky, OH
We met some Motor Maids on their way to a convention... SheNayNay made friends with their companions. I am certain they talked about all the cool places they've been.
Middlebury, IN is Amish country.
You see alot of things driving across the country. Some of them you file away to save. At least you THINK you do... there I am soaking up landscape, architecture, smells, people, automobiles... and thinking I am filing it away. Like a Rolodex... I see a Volkswagen bug for sale somewhere, for instance. I file it's appearance, location and cost into the CAR file of the Rolodex. It must be the same file I've been using since I was a kid riding around with my dad looking at old Chevy's, Fords, and Olds... it's pretty thorough if it's a '67 GTO... that bug? Nada! I know I saw a bug for sale somewhere today between. The rest is gone. I thought I filed it into "CAR" but when I opened the file to drop it in, it just went into a black hole of "not-necessary-to-remember" and I realize that having the experience is more important even then remembering the experience.